Endings to Beginnings...

Dear Young Leader:

Congratulations Again - we just shared an amazing journey!

Now, it is my hope you enjoyed this course because it was designed with your Leader's heart in mind.

A great feature of YES is embracing the value, and the influence in Today. Today is what you must work with, as it sets the stage for your best TOMORROW.

Now that you are at this phase with YES, do not think of this as a journey that has ended. No way, you are now at an intersection to other great beginnings and more possibilities.

Allow the many pieces of YES serve as an opportunity to rejuvenate you over and over as you grow stronger, wiser and, more loving.

Now, let us recap some of the many pieces of YES as you continue your learning, laughing and loving journey. First - the Just For Today SNIPPET lessons reinforced the strength of today for a great tomorrow. Then the design of your very own snippetivities in T32DWS..., for the Young @ Heart, where you purposely designed your own growth snippets. And, never forget the power of your own voice demonstrated through the lesson, Words Have Power.

So, young-heart, continue your life journey with growing, sharing and loving your primary focus.

Be Blessed With Love,

and always

Go Out and Reach For it!

TR Ford

Young-hearts Energizing SNIPPETS (YES)!

E-mail TR - [email protected]

Forever Evolving Poraso!a.pdf
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